Ready to beat Depression?

If so, you're in the right place!


Wake up in the morning and feel like life wasn't so bad —some days even like your life (woah!)

Have the energy and motivation to do the things you need to do and the things you want to do

Actually feel a sense of pleasure and joy from time to time

Not have depression be your body's default state every time things feel challenging or don't go your way

That's Exactly What I Want!

Depression is a Full-Body Experience — A deeply patterned survival state. 

A full-body experience calls for a BODYFUL therapeutic approach. One where we work together to re-pattern your autonomic nervous system. 

Lucky for you, that's exactly what I do best!

I've spent 15+ years working with Black women and women of the global majority individually, in groups, and in workplaces.

In that time, I've helped countless women improve their mental health using tools like dance/movement therapy, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, and other somatic healing modalities. 

what you get

Personalized Sessions

Go Deep, Get Personal, and Finally Follow Through

  • Initial 60-minute session to “map” the nervous system and identify your goals

  • 45-minute LIVE weekly check-in sessions 

  • 1-2 recorded somatic practices to work on after each session based your needs and goals

  • Daily check-in journal to reflect + track moods, feelings, behaviors, and progress with text feedback + support from me

  • Homework assignments from the Bodyful Healing Library — a growing collection of psychoeducation, somatic and cognitive practices, interventions, and tools to help you build a well-stocked emotional tool-kit!


"I felt free to explore my personal movement and emotions."

"Jennifer created a completely safe environment...She was nurturing and a great source of guidance and support."


common questions does this work?

Great question!

If it feels like I could be a good fit for you, use this link to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call. 

If it continues to feel like a good fit once we speak, you'll be invited to schedule your initial session. After your initial session, you'll gain access to my growing library of support materials.

I recommend working together for at least three months, if it feels like a good fit. 

Do you work everyone you have a consultation call with?

common questions

I do not work with everyone who is interested in working with me. 

The  main reasons I choose not to move forward with individuals or groups: 
  • Working with me and/or my approach to therapy isn't the best fit at this time. If this is the case, I can offer recommendations for other therapists or types of support. 
  • The consultation call and/or first session didn't give me a clear sense of what you need — my approach is rooted in action, and practice so I look for clients who are ready and able to take action. You can access where you in the change cycle by checking out the "stages of change." 

What is the minimum commitment?

common questions

The minimum commitment is three months, With consistent practice, this is the minimum amount of time it takes to see sustainable change. 

Most clients choose to work with me for at least 6 months, as they see genuine shifts in their lives during that time. 

This is not a quick fix solution. 

common questions

What is nervous system mapping?

Some of the work we'll do together involves being curious about the way your body responds to challenges. One of the ways we'll do this is by understanding how the autonomic nervous system works, then using that information to identify your patterns. We'll do all of this through talking and creative exploration (art, movement, music, writing, etc.)

Do I need to be a dancer to work with a dance/movement therapist?

common questions

Not at all. 

The only requirement is that you are human and interested in exploring the ways in which your body interacts and responds to your emotions and life situations.

 What if I want to work with you, but can't afford your services?

common questions

If working together 1:1 feels out of reach right now, consider using the free and lower cost resources available — walking meditations, moving meditations, podcast recordings, videos, and self-paced programs.  

 Where do sessions take place?

common questions

Sessions are held virtually, via video conference.

Any resources referenced in session will be shared with you via my online coaching library or resources within 48 hours of each session. 

Do you accept insurance?

common questions

No, I am out of network with all insurances.

For residents of New York, I can provide a superbill for potential insurance reimbursement if you have out of network benefits with your health insurance plan. 

"Feelings I never knew I had came to the surface."

“Jennifer provides a safe environment...
I trust that she is there to guide and support me.”
